I know I put the Leadership and Neurodiversity project on hiatus, but something occurred to me the other day that may shape my future research.
It occurred to me that virtually all of the research on autism, neurodiversity and neurodiversity hiring initiatives involve white, Eurocentric, middle class to upper class males. I’ve thought about changing this by selecting one or both of the following:
1. Ex-convicts, since there is a theory that autistic people are overrepresented in the prison / parole system.
2. Researching subjects from the Global Majority or indigenous peoples, since they are very underrepresented in regards to the current research.
Either group would be ideally have both men and women.
It would be a challenge, but I have to remember that my PhD will be in Global Leadership, and Indiana Institute of Technology’s program focuses on a global context, so I can’t see them really agreeing to research with the same population that has been already researched. I would also have to understand that testing for neurodivergent conditions may not be readily accessible to these populations.
Are these good ideas? Would either be feasible? I’m willing to listen to opinions.